Financial Taxation

Our professionals provide assistance to many parties in the financial services sector (banks, financial institutions, investment funds) during Italian and international financial operations.

The firm’s involvement is aimed at solving fiscal issues relating to domestic market financial instruments, structured finance operations and Italian and foreign collective savings investments: a wide range of advisory services regarding both the drawing up and negotiation of multilateral financial agreements (including high yield bonds) and the drafting of opinions on complex legal and fiscal institutes regarding structured finance, non-performing loans and capital markets.

Some of the main activities:

  • issue and allocation of financial and insurance instruments,
  • individual savings plans (ISPs),
  • structuring of national and international loans (in M&A operations)
  • project financing,
  • securitisation operations.


Alfredo Fossati

Alfredo Fossati
Equity Partner

Alfredo Fossati
Luca Galliani

Luca Galliani
Junior Partner